Church of God in Christ, Beechen Grove, Watford, England, UK

The Vison Outline
The vision of Pastor Joseph Brown is to incorporate all members into the stategic development of COGIC Watford Assembly (The Sanctuary) and to work towards the growth and prominence of the church
As the newly installed pastor of the Calvary Church of God in Christ (Watford Assembly), I have been seeking the direction of God as He leads our church into what I regard as being a new era.
Our church has benefitted from an awesome foundation over the past 51 years under the leadership of the Honorary Superintendent Michael Williams, and for that we give God praise.
However, God has shown me, through prayer and His word that this church must develop beyond its normal structure and it is my intention to be obedient to God’s direction.
Vision for Watford - Spiritual
Accordingly, whilst Church of God in Christ (Watford Assembly) is the formal name, in line with the constitution of the COGIC national church; approximately 8 years ago one of the then members of our church suggested the name of 'The Sanctuary' Cogic Watford, which I have embraced spiritually, as this is what a church should be. Therefore, as part of my vision, we are to be known as ‘The Sanctuary’.
A sanctuary is defined as a place of refuge or rest, a place where you can feel at peace. It is also defined as the holiest part of a temple or a church. It is my intention that the fullness of God’s presence will be in our church. The intention over a period of time will be the presentation of our church to the local community where we will be visible and active and will encourage unsaved members of the local community to become a part of God’s kingdom.
Whilst I do have a long term vision for our church, I believe it is best at this stage to concentrate on providing a short term‎ vision for the period up to the end of this year (31 December 2014).
On a long term basis the ultimate vision for our church is to develop a ‎Spirit of Excellence. Nevertheless, I would ask current and new members of this church to embrace this spirit as from now.
As part of this tremendous process and development, I would ask that each of us will look at ourselves and will commit in earnest to do the following:
Spend more time in prayer and fasting
For any church to survive in this current spiritual climate, it is necessary that prayer and fasting; two of the most potent spiritual weapons available to us as children of God, to be used regularly both individually and collectively as a church.
Christ pointed out that if there is to be any removal of obstacles, and there will be many, prayer and fasting will be key
weapons to defeat the devil (Mark 9:29).
Reading and studying God’s word
Time spent in reading God’s word is so valuable to anyone who wishes to develop their spiritual life in Christ. The Word of God enables you to build and to develop faith, which is vitally important in the current spiritual climate. Let’s get to know God’s word!
The seeking of the Holy Spirit
'Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?’ (Acts 19:2)
‘And ye shall receive power after that the ‎Holy Ghost has come upon you’ (Acts 1: 8).
Whilst Christ declared in Matthew 16:18 ‘Upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it’, the church must assume its role as part of the strategic warfare against the enemy by each member making the conscious decision to seek for the power of the Holy Spirit, so that we become a church that is powerful and active in the community and that we become a church that is revered.
Operating in the true spirit of love
Christ declared to His disciples ‘a new commandment that I give unto you is that you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another’ (John13:34).
For the sanctuary to be truly such a place, for those that will enter in, it is necessary that true love is demonstrated and applied within by the members towards each other. This is by no means impossible, as everything about God screams ‘I am the God of impossibilities’.
Operating in the Spirit of Unity
Behold how good and pleasant for brethren to dwell in unity, it is like the ointment that runneth down Aaron's beard. (Psalms 133 1-2). Unity is the hallmark of God’s presence in a church, as everything about God is based on unity. As with every family, the strength of that family is based on being united. The church family is no different and it is important that we stick together, as united we stand but divided we will certainly fall.
Operating in the Spirit of Peace
‘The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the former house, and in this house there will be peace’ (Haggai 2: 9). I am praying that, everyone that either visits or becomes a part of our church will certainly feel God’s peace, which they will want to embrace and to live in His atmosphere. ‘My peace I leave with you, my peace, I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you’ (St John 14: 27).
I dare myself, and each of you, to develop this spirit of excellence. James 4:17 says ‘Whoever knows what is right but does not do it is sinning’. I pray that we will not fall into such a position.