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Church of God in Christ, Beechen Grove, Watford, England, UK

Sunday Worship Service
Sunday worship at The Sanctuary Cogic watford begin at 12.30 pm. Our program starts with prayer, followed by praise & worship which comprises of a combination of vibrant verses and devotional hymns led by our praise and worship team and musicians. The sermon (The word of God) is given by our Pastor Joseph Brown and on occasions we have a speaker. We finish the service with a closing prayer.
After service there is time to socialise with a cup of hot or cold beverage, biscuits or cakes, we take this opportunity to build relationships with each other and get to know any newcomers and make them welcome and relaxed.
We look forward to meeting and sharing with you.

Our Services are held on the 3rd Floor of Beechen Grove Baptist Church, Watford.
Access is via the reception entrance to the rear of the church. There is a lift available for those who are unable walk up the stairs or those who would prefer not to.
Sunday Services start at 12:30 PM and finishes at 2.45 PM the latest
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board on our website.
Sunday School
Sunday School Starts at 11.30 AM and finishes at 12.25 PM
To inquire about any of our services
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