Church of God in Christ, Beechen Grove, Watford, England, UK

Special Services
The Sanctuary Cogic Watford
These sevices are also known as Ordinances which every ordained minister is required to perform.

Every Christian believer is asked by God to remember the death of his son Jesus Christ. We do this by celebrating the Holy Communion which we regard as the highest form of worship.
St Paul in his letter to the Corinth reminds them that this ordinance should be maintained and observed with all reverence 1 Corinthians 11 verse 23-28
In accordance with scriptures, once an individual has received a core in his life and has responded to that core by receiving Christ into their heart, the next step is baptism, which God has commanded in the Bible.
Before undertaking this event the new convert will be taught what it means to be a Christian and will receive help to develop their new life in Jesus Christ through Baptismal classes.
Jesus Christ was an example as He too was baptised: outlined in St. Mathew 3 verse: 13 -17

We are happy to prepare couples for marriage and pre marital counselling classes, available on request.
We are also happy to conduct engagement ceremony and a traditional wedding ceremony and the blessing of marriages.

During a very sad time of losing a friend or member of a family we are able to offer grief counselling and can also conduct a funeral ceremony.
During this difficult time we will be able to assist the family and to guide them in relation to all the issues that may arise from the death of a loved one.

In accordance with scripture we believe that a child that is born into this world should receive the blessing of God upon it's life as outlined in Mark 10 verse: 13 -16