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The Redemptive Power of the Cross - Khian King 

"But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.”

Romans 8:11 KJV


Trusting in the God with all your heart. As children of God we must rely on His word. In the scripture above Paul tell us the Spirit Christ has dwells within us also. Through Christ we are saved, we are made new and are promised everlasting life. Understanding this scripture I knew I wanted to do everything I possibly could to be deserving of Christ's salvation. I wanted to be closer to Him, which would mean I would need to spend more time in His word. 


Being someone who studied English Literature and History I enjoyed analysing a piece of text - delving deeper into its concept and meaning. It frustrated  me then, when I couldn't do this with the Holy Bible. 


I knew I was at a blockade, which meant I needed to work with God and not alone. From that moment I know nothing could be accomplished by myself and God was speaking to me telling me He was there and I didn't need to struggle when I have His Spirit. It was even embedded to me into my school logo "Non Nobis Solum" translating to not ourselves alone. God was clearly projecting His voice to me in my everyday life and I was still dismissing it.


But through the redemptive power of the cross I was renewed and made whole. Seeing His transformation within my life is  unexplainable, I went from being a stubborn young girl quite adamant that I could do everything independently to a child of God who wanted to serve Him at all times. Knowing that Christ died for me told me of His love for me. And so as John 4:19 says we love him, because He first loved  us. Once I was born again and Christ created a new man within me I began to be hungry for his Word. I wanted to be filled with His Holy Spirit (something I still seek for everyday) 


Reading his word, fasting and prayer - I began to ask God for His help I wanted to hear him and kept asking "Lord, what do you want me to do for you." 


It wasn't until August 2016 that God would answer my request. I have two family members who both attended the Calvary Theological College and both of them raved off its courses ability to open up the word for you in new ways. It promised enlightenment with God, through God and for God. As I said previously I love analytical study, this course covered all my wants and was for God not man! It seemed like a dream opportunity had been put on my lap. BUT, being a full time student  and part time sales assistant I was already wrapped up in so much. I again almost dismissed the opportunity. God continued to put this on my heart for 6 months as I debated with Him, until I opened my heart and said yes. I knew all the difficulties it would introduce and that it would mean I'd be so busy and hardly have any spare time. However I knew that being a child of God I had to and wanted to do all I could for Christ. I took a leap of faith and jumped on this chance because I knew this was Gods plan for me. Becoming more Christ like would mean I needed to understand more about who Christ was. Almost a year later and as a member of the Calvary Theological College I can honestly say I am so grateful I listened to God and acted upon His instructions. Yes, it has been and still is a struggle juggling all my work as well as taking on the troubles life throws at me. But I know through it all if God is for me, then who can be against me. Talking about God puts a smile on my face because I understand so much more than just the simple facts in the surface. Opening the word intrigues me as I grasp it's intellectuality and allow it to become 3 dimensional to me. 


This is my testimony, one I didn't even realise I had until I began to write this article. 


Whom ever reads this I pray you let Christ  come in and let his works manifest within your life.


For our March 2016 Easter Newsletter, some of our youth gave exhaltations on what it is to be "One with Christ" and what "Easter meant to them" and a scripturure word on Luke Ch. 6

Anchor 7



John 17:21

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art  in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.


Galatians 3:28 

There is neither Jew  nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


1Corinthians 1:10

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.


Corinthians 6:17

 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.


Matthew 18:20

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.


The Bible clearly states that there must be a oneness among us – and love is the glue of this oneness! Why is it important we stay united through love? “Because God is love” 1 John 4:8.  


And this is a testimony. For us to live in a oneness through Christ: as one people, with one mind, and one purpose is a testimony to the world.


In John 17: 9 Jesus prays that we be one together “ I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine. 10And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them.”


We must embody Christ for He is within us He has chosen us we have not chosen Him. He has a plan for every single one of us and wants to see you prosper in His plan for you. Delve deeper in Christ seek him whole heartedly “be instant in season, out of season” allow God to constantly be a part of your life. Love is the key to Unity.


Stay Blessed










We live in a society which turns religious events into commercial opportunities, which is why Easter is closely associated with chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies. It is easy for many to forget the significance of Easter and the positive impact that it can have on our lives. Christ's resurrection is the foundation of Christian faith, therefore we think that it is important to focus on the ideas provided by the scripture. Corinthians 15:54 says "the saying that is written will come true- death has been swallowed up in victory", a concept which is connected with Christ and his resurrection. By accepting Jesus as our saviour we too will conquer death and receive the reward of everlasting life.


The accounts of the gospels inform us that Jesus was raised from the dead after being crucified and it is this process which enables salvation through Jesus, who acted as a sacrifice for all as long as we believe in Him. Romans 6:23 summarises this idea- "for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord". We think that it is important to spread the good news because it recognises what Christ has done for us. We should celebrate this event with joy and never forget the true meaning- that is the least we could do after the torture that Christ endured for humanity.















Sylvia and Devon     





Get out of self

Isaiah 61: 1-3


What God can do through you is more than you can imagine. God has filled you with his spirit so that you can lead others to him. This means that you have to get out of self in order to do the will of God. You have been chosen to bring good news to the poor and to heal the broken heart with the encouraging word of God that he has placed inside of you. This means that you have to remember it's not about you, but about who will reach the kingdom. God has called you to ensure his believers that they can walk in freedom because Jesus died on the cross for their sins and they are no longer captives to sin. You are chosen by God to proclaim that God has defeated the enemy and will save anyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour. You have been called and chosen by God to do a new work in the earth for his kingdom. Continue to strive for greatness.


Blessings Karis King,


(Easter 2017)















Luke Chap.6 verse 45


"A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."


What this means to me is that whatever we speak effects our lives in different ways also it's saying that if we live right and truthfully then it won't just effect our lives but the people around us too because when we are friendly and nice then you bond and as Christians we must stick together and help each other out. 


What this scripture also means is that people can tell if you are a true Christian because if you say you are but don't really mean it down in your heart then it will effect the way you think and speak negatively.















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